Thursday, 2 May 2013


Our next project is the renovation of the Little Blue House's original bedroom. It is the room in the LBH that is in most need of repair. It's really a question of "worst first." (And believe me, this house needs work!) This room reno is going to be our first foray into DIY home repairs... We've never tackled anything of this magnitude before, and I imagine that we will have to call in some help along the way.

At least we will have a contractor working on the foundation and floor insulation in July, so there will be some expertise on-site. As we live far away from everywhere up here in the North, I am researching wallpapers now. One of the finishing touches on the room will be wallpaper, of course, and it's not like we can just run out and find Victorian wallpaper nearby. Ha! Most of the other renovation materials will be relatively close at hand, in Whitehorse, Yukon. I think...

Here are some samples that I had sent up here from the USA. The company is Bradbury & Bradbury, and they specialize in wallpapers from the 1880s to 1960s. Right up our alley! The photos below are somewhat crummy pictures that I took with my phone, but you can get a much better idea of their beautiful work on their website at:

Perhaps some of my avid Victorian house aficionados reading this blog can comment on which paper they like the best? Or, perhaps you may recommend something entirely different? The wallpapers below are all from Bradbury. (Just because I received the samples today in the mail!)

Glenwood (Arts & Crafts)

Willow (Morris Traditional Roomset) in Dove Blue

Warwickshire (Damask Collection) in Antique Gold

Bird & Anemone (Morris Traditional Roomset) in Dove Blue

Passion Flower (Herter Brothers Tradition) in Jasper


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