Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Parlour Pictures

The light was beautiful last weekend, so I thought I'd take a few more photos of the front parlour. We brought a little Asian brass table down to the LBH; it was my grandmother's, and for a long time we used it as a plant stand. It was badly stained from the water, so I spent a couple of hours with brass polish, cleaning it up. I was reminded of my time in the military, polishing brass as penance...

Here is one of our favourite chairs (a find on Kijiji) along with the small table.

Reading Nook
Dragon Table
We are wondering, for down the road, what kind of wallpaper we should choose to replace the paper in the parlour. As I've described in previous posts, the ugly brown paper on the ceiling is sagging severely... I imagine we will have white ceilings after we reno this room, with a plaster look.

The somewhat tropical looking paper on the walls is falling off in some places, and it's ripped and water-stained in other spots. I kind of like it, but we will want to replace it with something a bit more subtle, yet Victorian...

Parlour Wallpaper

We found this old washboard in the workshop, covered with cobwebs. I like looking at it, so it's in the parlour for now.
Here's the back wall of the parlour. I didn't have a really good picture of it previously, so now you can see it. The curtains separate the parlour from the front bedroom. This was the only bedroom in the original LBH, prior to the small addition that was done about 20 years ago. (The LBH had 3 rooms originally: a parlour, bedroom and kitchen. Now it has an additional bedroom, a small bathroom, pantry and entrance/utility area.)

Curtains Leading to Bedroom

We love the curtains, as they truly lend bit of the house a bit of that brothel feeling, a fitting tribute to the LBH's shady past as a cat house. Perhaps after the initial renovations are complete, we can find a deep burgundy set of velvet curtains for this space, perhaps with a fringe...

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