Friday, 8 February 2019

Chilly Little House

It was -17 degrees Celsius outside (not that cold considering the time of year) but the temperature inside the house was -10! We have a thermometer inside the entrance of the LBH, and we always laugh at it because it's still in the packaging, hanging on a small nail near our coats. It says, "extra-easy reading," ha ha.

The LBH was frozen solid when I arrived... I think the house looks smaller when there's snow on the ground. I was thankful not to see evidence of any mice this time (unlike last time). Our mouse traps were empty. Just peanut butter, no mice.

I had to wear my parka and toque for the first several hours, despite turning all of the heaters on and lighting a fire in the antique cook stove. See and hear the stove in the video below, despite being over 120 years old! It's the kind of wood stove that needs frequent tending, but it's justified. :)

It took about 24 hours for the house to warm up to 13 degrees, so that is about a degree an hour from -10...

Atlin Lake on Monday, with a cloudy view of First Island (did I mention the creative naming of the islands near Atlin? First, second, third, etc.) The lake hasn't frozen yet, and it usually freezes in January! There's wildlife wanting to get across, and now they are stuck. I looked for packs of wolves, knowing they're around, but I didn't see any...